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Instructions & Important Information

We're here to help every step of the way. Learn how to prepare and self-administer your medication.

Instructions and

Important Information

A Important Information Before Getting Started

  • Always store opened and unopened vials of medication in the refrigerator (36°F to 46°F)
  • Check the expiration date on the vial. DO NOT use expired medication.
  • Check the label on the medication bottle to ensure it is yours and is the right medication.
  • FOR NEW, UNOPENED VIALS: Do not use it if the seal is broken or looks tampered with. FOR USED, PREVIOUSLY OPENED VIALS: Be sure the vial is not cracked or leaking before use.
  • Never reuse needles or syringes.

B Prepping Your Vial

  • Gather your supplies: medication, a new syringe, and an alcohol pad.
  • Wash your hands with warm water and soap and dry completely.
    Hold the vial with one hand, and with the other, gently pop off the plastic cover to expose the rubber membrane.

    Wipe off the exposed rubber membrane with an alcohol pad and set aside to dry.
    Do not touch the top of the bottle.
  • Wipe off the exposed rubber membrane with an alcohol pad and set aside to dry.
  • Remove the plastic cap, being careful to not touch the needle with your hands or any surface.

C Drawing Up the Medication and Injecting

  • Holding the clean vial in one hand and the syringe in the other, puncture the membrane with the needle.
  • While the syringe is still in place, turn the bottle upside down.
  • Pull the plunger down to fill the syringe to the number of units of medication prescribed by your doctor.

    The units are printed on the syringe. Move the plunger so the dark end closest to the needle matches the number of units you need.

  • Choose a site to inject. The most common site is the fatty part of the belly where you can grab some skin and fat. You can also choose thigh, buttock, or arm.
  • Clean the injection site with an alcohol pad and let dry.
  • With one hand, hold the filled syringe. With the other hand, pinch and hold the skin around the site of injection.
  • Insert the needle straight into the skin at a 45-degree angle until the needle is all the way in.
  • Push the plunger on the syringe all the way down until the syringe is empty.
  • Count to 5 to ensure all the meds are in before pulling the needle out. If there is any bleeding, use a clean gauze or bandaid to apply pressure.

D Clean up and Disposal

  • Put your used syringe and needle into your sharps container.
    Never dispose of a used needle directly into the trash.
  • Secure the top back on the vial and place the unused medication back in the refrigerator.

For information on discarding sharps containers, please visit:

Have questions? Email us at [email protected]
Call us at 435-351-2380
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please contact your local healthcare provider or hospital or 911 for immediate care. Do not rely on your online prescriber for emergency medical care.

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